Friday, December 09, 2005


Went out to the old family history website to see if there was anything I could add and to look at the ancient pictures.

My dad looks like such a cherubic little kid in the old photo with him and his mom & dad. There’s surely something unnatural in a son seeing his father as an eight-year old. Ten thousand years of recorded human history and it’s been only the past couple hundred when it would even be possible to see what your parents looked like before you were born. We live in an amazing age.

He looks exactly as I would’ve wished he look. Smiling but shy, shown by the downward cast of the head. There’s nothing cocky or jaunty in his attitude but he's no shrinking violet either, his shoulder blades back and chest confidently stuck out. The blonde hair is neatly combed, the sign of a caring mother? It seems like it must’ve been rare to have his picture taken alone with his parents as they had six children.

• • • • •

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